Thursday, October 1, 2009

EA Sports Active - Product Review

I'm trying to checkout fitness products made by various companies. The other day I stumbled upon EA Sports Active for $59.95, but on sale for just $49.95. Yeah, I saved $10. They shipped to my door for FREE, 2nd day air via UPS, so it arrived September 30th 2009 and I opened it up right away when I got home from work and began setting up my profile. As I started playing, I realized a flaw in the game. The game is completely meant for people who are right-handed. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm left-handed and found it difficult to use in some areas, such as the sports areas. For right-handed people, have you ever tried batting left-handed, or playing tennis or even throwing left-handed? Those of you who have, it's difficult isn't it? Not only that, but it feels strange. While the game is good and I did work up a sweat on my first training exorcises, the detail that was missed of all the left-handed people in the world. If you're left-handed, you have no choice, but to feel strange if you want to continue to play.

I did contact EA Sports and I am waiting to hear back from them, but this flaw has me ticked off. How can a major company forget about those of us who are not right-handed? I did contact EA Sports about this issue and as of present, I haven't heard back. When they do get back to me, I'll post exactly what they say. Hopefully they can help me find out how to make it so I can do things left-handed, but until then, I feel I've been dooped out of $50 and want my money back, with an apology from EA Sports to say they're sorry and explain to me how they over-looked this simple thing of left handed people. It's either that or pay me $3,000 to keep my mouth shut from telling more than just my readers here, plus I think it's a fair amount for suffering the consequences of a company who doesn't have warnings on their products that are meant for a certain people group.

Aren't those grounds of a lawsuit just waiting to happen? So those of you who are lawyers, maybe you can help me out with some legal advice. No I'm not saying I'm going to sue EA Sports, but seriously, shouldn't they pay for failing to include everyone in their exorcise game? Or maybe it's just me being angry and wanting answers and wanting more since I'm also frustrated.